Town Hall Style Forum

At this Town Hall Style Forum, a diverse group of researchers, partners from community organizations and participants in the Boston Puerto Rican Health Study met in the South End public library. Attendees heard various study findings in presentations from researchers and students. 

Matthew Simon presented his new models of ultrafine particles for the Boston area.

Laura Corlin, MS, presented some results of her analyses, finding an association between blood pressure and exposure to certain air pollutants in the Boston Puerto Rican population.

Mojdeh Karkhanehchi and Sonja Rivera, MPH, presented their analyses on how HEPA filtration impacts indoor levels of ultrafine particles and whether the resulting change has an impact on blood markers of cardiovascular risk. Their preliminary findings suggest that reduction in ultrafine particles through HEPA filtration may have a protective effect on cardiovascular health.

Lastly, Migdalia Tracy, MA, presented the results of the CAFEH team’s ongoing efforts to create effective environmental health communication for the Puerto Rican population.


CAFEH Advisory Board Meeting